Planning Services

Regulatory Representation: ddG may represent the client in front of Landmarks, the Board of Adjustment, and Land Use Control Board commissions, advocating for the proposed changes and addressing any concerns raised by regulatory bodies.

  • variance


    conditional use permit

  • certificate of appropriateness

  • subdivision

    special use permit

    planned development modification

    special exception

    street name change

    new special use permit

    street and alley closure

Services: From zoning analysis to site design and public engagement, ddG works collaboratively to develop innovative solutions that address specific goals and objectives of the projects, creating sustainable, vibrant communities tailored to your project’s needs.

  • at ddG, we specialize in streamlining the grant application process, with a specific focus on downtown improvement grants. Our team understands the challenges and opportunities associated with revitalizing urban spaces, and ddG commits to guiding you through the complexities of securing grants for downtown enhancements

  • ddG collaborates closely with clients to craft guidelines that align architectural projects with overarching visions, contextual sensitivities, and sustainability goals. From visionary objectives to strategic site planning and inclusive accessibility, our Design Guidelines Services provide actionable directives that ensure the realization of well-designed, resilient, and vibrant built environments.

  • ddG recognizes the importance of engaging stakeholders throughout the design process to ensure that the projects reflect the aspirations and priorities of the communities they serve. ddG employs various outreach strategies, including public workshops, stakeholder interviews, and online surveys, to solicit feedback, build consensus, and foster a sense of ownership among residents and stakeholders.

  • ddG conducts thorough site assessments to understand the context, constraints, and opportunities of each project. Through comprehensive analysis, we identify key factors and regulatory requirements to inform the planning process.

  • at ddG, we specialize in enhancing the quality and functionality of urban streetscapes through thoughtful design interventions. Whether it's redesigning sidewalks, adding green infrastructure, or improving street furniture and lighting, ddG aims to create safe, attractive, and vibrant streets that prioritize the needs of pedestrians and cyclists.


Site Planning

Design Guidelines

Site Analysis + Planning

Design Guidelines