daily: ddG’s vision is to see a future state where all people are surrounded by intentionally designed environments on a daily basis. We see our region filled with strong community-based organizations that support each of our neighbors to live a comfortable and fulfilled life.

We track towards this future state by focusing our efforts on:

  • designing public and commercial spaces for our cities and non-profit organizations.

  • redefining the future of housing in Memphis, where each of our neighbors has access to safe, secure, and sustainable housing.

design: we are architects, interior designers, urban planners, and creative problem solvers.

GROUP: as a business, we are structured to prioritize an environment where our GROUP can thrive. to our clients, this translates to team members who are taken care of and are ready to take care of you and your project.

ddG’s profile

core values

  • we prioritize team well-being as we can only take care of clients if the GROUP is taken care of first. 2+2 can equal 10. by collaborating with the most effective team members either in-office or beyond, we create value by leaning into each other’s strengths

  • we design spaces that best support the ability to connect. we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and treat them as such.

  • we craft goals for each project, we ask the right questions to ensure we are solving the right problems, we set personal goals, if you don’t know where you’re going then any path will get you there (attributed to Lewis Carroll)

  • we make decisions based on clear reasoning, how we do anything is how we do everything, each project and firm process is a mini-masterpiece. real materials are used that get better with time. we are budget aware and spend every dollar consciously. it’s either a hell yes or no (attributed to Derek Sivers).

  • less is typically more. we focus on the essential elements of each project. we keep the main thing the main thing (attributed to Stephen Covey).

  • we use positive language, we believe that all ships can rise together, we are a firm that gives; we collaborate, we build one another up.

  • we are active listeners. our job isn’t done until the job is done. we do what we say we will do. we under promise and overdeliver. the bar is low; we are not. life by design rather than life by default.

  • Kate Haywood


  • Melissa Thielemier

    Associate AIA, IIDA

  • Brendan Lawton


  • Andrea Jimenez

    Associate AIA, APA

collaborators that support ddG to thrive: